Стипендии университетов для студентов
Monmouth College in Illinois is a premier, private liberal arts college with a focus on business and education, in addition to core disciplines in the sciences, humanities, social sciences and arts. Within those subjects is an interdisciplinary emphasis on business and science, and we recently broke ground on a $40 million Center for Science and Business. We provide an outstanding undergraduate education to well-prepared, ambitious students, and we have a tradition of commitment to diversity with an international scope.
Monmouth College now offers two scholarships specifically for degree-seeking international students, the MC International Merit Scholarship (top limit of $17,000), which will be awarded to as many as 50 students each year, and the MC International Young Leaders Scholarship (top limit of $25,000), which will be awarded to 5 students each year, that are renewable for up to three years.
/ Две стипендии от Колледжа Монмут (г. Монмут, штат Иллинойс): Стипендия для иностранных студентов за успехи в учебе (до $17000) и Стипендия для молодых лидеров среди иностранных студентов (до $25000) /
Located on an Oceanside campus in the historic city of Newport, Rhode Island, Salve Regina University is a Catholic coeducational university of liberal arts, sciences, and professional studies. With an enrollment of 2,100 undergraduate students, the university offers over 40 undergraduate programs ranging from Business Administration, Psychology, Education, Cultural and Historic Preservation, Political Science, and Administration of Justice.
Salve Regina University is pleased to offer International Merit Scholarships to qualified applicants. Undergraduate students applying to the university are automatically considered for International Merit Scholarship awards, and the amount of the scholarship is based on the academic strength of the student applying. We look forward to hearing from you!
For more information, please visit: https://salve.edu.
/ Стипендии иностранным студентам от университета Salve Regina (г. Нью-Порт, штат Род-Айленд) за отличную учебу /
The largest private university in New Jersey, Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) is a not-for-profit, nonsectarian, multicampus institution. The University offers over 100 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, including doctoral programs in nursing practice, clinical psychology and school psychology; and an AACSB-accredited business school.
The FDU International Scholarship awards $1,000 to $13,500 per year to qualified, first-time undergraduate freshmen. Condiseration for this award is based on academic merit and demonstrated financial need. The SAT/ACT is not required and the award is renewable for up to four years.
For more information, please visit: http://view2.fdu.edu
/ Стипендия Университета Фарлея Дикинсона (г. Мэдисон, Тинек, штат Нью Джерси) в размере от $1000 до $13500 в год на срок до четырех лет для иностранных студентов, обучающихся по программам бакалавриата и имеющих успехи в учебе. Крайние сроки подачи заявлений: 1 июля (осенний семестр) и 1 декабря (весенний семестр) /
Minot State University in North Dakota makes it affordable for any student in the world to receive a top-notch education from one of the premiere universities in the Great Plains. No matter where you are from, you will pay the North Dakota in-state tuition rate when you enroll in on-campus courses.
Also, Minot State University allows you to enroll in up to 18 credits for the same price as 12 credits! So, for no extra cost per semester, you can potentially save over $10,000 by completing your degree in four years. This option also allows you the freedom to branch out and take courses outside of your degree area, if you choose.
For more information, please visit: www.minotstateu.edu
/ Государственныйо Университет Майнот (г. Майнот, штат Северная Дакота) предлагает иностранным студентам возможность платить за обучение столько же, сколько платят резиденты штата Северная Дакота. Вы также можете получить 18 кредитов по цене 12 и взять дополнительные курсы, не входящие в Вашу специальность /
Fairleigh Dickinson University is a center of academic excellence dedicated to the preparation of world citizens through global education. The University strives to provide students with the multi-disciplinary, intercultural, and ethical understandings necessary to participate, lead, and prosper in the global marketplace of ideas, commerce and culture.
The Colonel Fairleigh Dickinson Scholarship awards between $11,000 to $25,000 per year to qualified, first-time international undergraduate freshmen. Consideration for this award is based on academic merit and SAT scores. A minimum of the equivalent of a 3.0 g.p.a. and an SAT (Critical Reading + Math) score of 1050 or higher are required.
For more information, please visit: http://view2.fdu.edu.
/ Стипендии полковника Фарлея Дикинсона в размере от $11000 до $25000 на обучение в Университете Фарлея Дикинсона (г. Мэдисон, Тинек, штат Нью Джерси) для иностранных студентов-первокурсников обучающихся по программам бакалавриата и имеющих успехи в учебе /
Since 1979, Full Sail University has been an innovative educational leader for those pursuing careers in the entertainment industry. With over 34,500 alumni, graduate credits include work on OSCAR®, Emmy® and GRAMMY®-winning projects, best-selling video games, and #1 grossing U.S. concert tours. Full Sail's 191-acre campus and online education platform proudly welcomes over 14,500 students from 50 states and 49 countries.
At Full Sail University, we understand that deciding where and how to pursue higher education is an important and life-changing decision. This guide is designed to help you understand your financial options when it comes to Full Sail University by providing a detailed list of possible scholarships that may be available to you, as well as the guidelines and requirements applicable to each scholarship.
For more information, please visit: www.fullsail.edu.
/ Стипендии Университета Full Sail (г. Винтер Парк, штат Флорида) /
SUNY Plattsburgh has been providing financial aid to international undergraduates for more than a decade. The result has been exceptional global diversity among our student body. Plattsburgh currently enrolls more than 350 international undergraduates from more than 65 countries.
International student financial aid awards are based on academic merit, country of residence, and financial need. For the 2012-2013 academic year, the range value of the scholarship package is $2,500 to $10,000 for students worldwide. The average award for 2012-2013 is expected to be approximately $6,200, increased from an average of $4,200 in 2011-2012. To determine the estimated value of an individual student’s financial aid package, try our easy-to-use international scholarship calculator!
/ Стипендии для иностранных студентов от Университета штата Нью-Йорк в городе Платтсбурге на 2012-2013 год от $2500 до $10000 в зависимости от успеваемости, страны проживания и финансовой необходимости /
Located in Waltham, Massachusetts on 235 attractive suburban acres, Brandeis University is in an ideal location just nine miles west of Boston. Named for the late Justice Louis Dembitz Brandeis of the U.S. Supreme Court, Brandeis combines the faculty and resources of a world-class research institution with the intimacy and personal attention of a small liberal arts college.
In addition, the Wien International Scholarship Program at Brandeis University has been committed to furthering international understanding, providing foreign students an opportunity to study in the United States, and enhancing the lives of all students at Brandeis. More than 800 students from over 100 countries have come to Brandeis as Wien Scholars. The program provides either full or partial need-based tuition awards to applicants who have demonstrated outstanding academic and personal achievement.
For more information, please visit: www.brandeis.edu
/ Программа стипендий для иностранных студентов с выдающимися академическими и личными успехами от Университета Брандейса (г. Уолтем, штат Массачусетс) Wien International Scholarship Program /
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is a private, independent foundation established by Jack Kent Cooke to help exceptionally promising students reach their full potential through education. Launched in 2000, the Foundation focuses in particular on students with financial need.
The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship makes it possible for the nation’s top community college students to complete their bachelor’s degrees by transferring to a four-year college or university. The Foundation provides up to $30,000 per year to each of approximately 50 deserving students selected annually, making it the largest private scholarship for two-year and community college transfer students in the country.
Each award is intended to cover a significant share of the student’s educational expenses – including tuition, living expenses, books and required fees – for the final two to three years necessary to achieve a bachelor’s degree. Awards vary by individual, based on the cost of tuition as well as other grants or scholarships he or she may receive.
To be eligible for the program, students must be nominated by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Faculty Representative at their two-year institution. Students cannot apply directly to the Foundation. Each two-year college may nominate up to four students (depending upon institution enrollment) each year to be considered for the scholarship.
For more information, please visit: www.jkcf.org
/ Стипендии Фонда Джека Кента Кука для студентов, обучающихся в двухгодичных местных колледжах США и желающих перевестись в четырехгодичный колледж /
The largest private university in New Jersey, Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) is a not-for-profit, nonsectarian, multicampus institution. The University offers over 100 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, including doctoral programs in nursing practice, clinical psychology and school psychology; and an AACSB-accredited business school.
The FDU International Graduate Scholarship awards $1,000 to $10,000 per year and is based on academic merit and demonstrated financial need.
For more information, please visit: http://view2.fdu.edu
/ Стипендия Университета Фарлея Дикинсона (г. Мэдисон, Тинек, штат Нью Джерси) в размере от $1000 до $10000 в год для иностранных студентов, обучающихся в магистратуре и имеющих успехи в учебе или нуждающихся в финансовой помощи /
The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law Master of Laws (LL.M.) Program is designed for foreign lawyers who wish to advance their legal education in a stimulating academic environment. The College offers the dual advantages of a highly-regarded law curriculum at a major U.S. university and an LL.M. program of limited size that allows for individualized attention and support.
The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law LL.M. program is happy to announce a new merit scholarship program. Several scholarships of $7500 will be awarded to exceptional applicants beginning in the current application cycle. International students are encouraged to apply!
For more information, please visit: https://moritzlaw.osu.edu/
/ Стипендии для иностранных студентов, обучающихся в магистратуре Колледжа права Мориц Университета штата Огайо в размере $7500 /
The School of International Service (SIS) at American University is committed to a broad and interdisciplinary approach to the study of international relations that values public service, environmental stewardship, human rights, and social justice.
In our continued effort to support the Fulbright program and its scholars, SIS will now waive the $50 application fee for master's and PhD applications from any Fulbright scholar. The $50 application fee is also waived for any non-sponsored student who is the first person in his/her family to attend university.
In the case of sponsored students, when the applicant/organization proceeds to the end of the online application and is prompted to pay, please choose the "check" option and alert us via email that this is for a sponsored applicant, so that we can waive the fee in our system. In the case of first-generation college students, there is a question on the application that asks if you are a first-generation college student. If yes, the application fee will be automatically waived.
For more information, please visit: www.american.edu
/ Отмена платы за обучение в Школе международной службы Американского университета (Вашингтон) для участников программы Фулбрайта, подающим заявление на магистерские и докторские программы /
The New School is a legendary progressive university comprising schools bound by a common, unusual intent: to prepare and inspire its 10,510 undergraduate and graduate students to bring actual, positive change to the world. In addition to its 88 graduate and undergraduate degree-granting programs and majors, the university offers certificate programs and more than 650 continuing education courses to more than 6,350 adult learners every year.
The New School provides a generous program of scholarships and fellowships to degree students based on need, merit, or a combination of the two. We offer ten fellowships and scholarships specifically for international students. These fellowships and scholarships are designed to draw students from a variety of countries and regions around the world.
For more information, please visit: www.newschool.edu
/ Стипендии для иностранных студентов от университета Новая школа (Нью-Йорк) /
As Georgia's public liberal arts university, Georgia College offers undergraduate programs of study to talented and motivated students in a residential college setting. Georgia College also provides, at multiple locations, graduate and professional studies that support the needs of the region and create pathways to individual success and personal fulfillment. Its academically engaging, student-centered programs often take learning beyond the traditional classroom and develop the intellectual, professional, and civic skills and dispositions of students.
Each scholarship is worth approximately $17,500 USD per year. These scholarships are awarded as either a full out-of-state tuition waiver or a half out-of-state tuition waiver, and are awarded on the basis of demonstrated academic ability, evidence of extra-curricular involvement and financial need. To be considered for the ISS, applicants must have on file a completed application for admission and completed ISS application by the stated deadline.
For more information, please visit: www.gcsu.edu.
/ Стипендии на последипломное обучение в Колледже Джорджии (г. Милледжвиль, штат Джорджия) в размере $17500 в год /
The University currently serves 23,000 students who are pursuing undergraduate, graduate, specialist, doctoral and certificate degrees in the arts, sciences and professions. In all, more than 200 majors, minors and concentrations are delivered through the University’s Colleges of Arts and Sciences; Business; Education; Health and Human Services; Technology, and its graduate school.
Building on a proud tradition of national leadership in the preparation of teachers, we maximize educational opportunities and personal and professional growth for students from diverse backgrounds through an array of baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral programs. EMU offers two scholarships for international students, where students are automatically considered for these scholarships upon admission.
The first, the National Scholars Program (NSP) Scholarship is a renewable award which pays the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition (approximately $6,712 per year for two years). Open to incoming graduate students with a 3.6 or higher GPA on a 4.0 scale from the equivalent of a US bachelor’s degree.
The second award is the EMU Student Success Scholarship which offers $6,200 total award ($3,100 per year for a total of two years). The scholarship is open to incoming graduate students with a 3.2 or higher GPA on a 4.0 scale from the equivalent of a US bachelor's degree.
/ Стипендиальные программы на последипломное обучение в Университете Восточного Мичигана (г. Ипсиланти, штат Мичиган) /
Montclair State University is committed to serving the educational needs of New Jersey with programs characterized by academic rigor and currency in the development of knowledge and its applications. The University will offer a comprehensive range of baccalaureate, master's, and certificate programs and a focused portfolio of doctoral programs that are closely aligned with the University's academic strengths and the needs of the state.
The MSU International Graduate Student Award is available to any student who has graduated with a bachelors or a master's degree from one of Montclair State University's Global Partner Schools, applies and is admitted into a graduate program at Montclair State University, and maintains the minimum academic requirements for retention in the graduate program.
The award waives the out-of-state portion of the tuition and allows the student to pay the in-state tuition amount; this comes out to $3,000-$4,000 per semester. This award is not limited to a specified number of students, but is open to students who meet all three qualifications mentioned above.
/ Стипендии Государственного университета Монтклер (г. Монтклер, штат Нью Джерси) на последипломное обучение для выпускников программ бакалавриата или магистратуры учебных заведений, являющихся его партнерами /
East Tennessee State University prepares students to become productive, enlightened citizens who actively serve their communities and our world. Innovation and integration of educational programs, opportunities and scholarly activities enable ETSU to enrich the cultural and intellectual environment, advance economic development, and increase the level of educational attainment of our community and region.
The International Students Academic Merit Scholarship is open to new international students seeking a graduate degree. The scholarship covers 50 percent of the total of in and out-of-state tuition and maintenance fees only. No additional fees or costs are covered.
/ Стипендия Государственного университета Восточного Теннеси (г. Джонсон-Сити, штат Теннеси) за академические успехи, покрывающая половину стоимости обучения и обеспечения, для иностранных студентов-магистров /
The University of California Berkeley, on San Francisco Bay, is the UC flagship campus and one of the world's premier public universities and a wellspring of innovation. The university’s academic community makes key contributions to the economic and social well-being of the Bay Area, California, and the nation.
The Graduate Division offers a variety of awards for entering graduate and doctoral students. Fellowships may provide a stipend, fees, and tuition to support the living and educational expenses of graduate study. Although Berkeley has a strong fellowship program, the number of awards is limited. To be considered, you must be nominated by your department. If you are considered for a fellowship, your application will be judged competitively on the basis of the quality of your previous academic work, on the evidence of your ability to do research, and on your promise of becoming a productive scholar.
Entering students are eligible for Berkeley Fellowships (awarded to outstanding applicants to doctoral programs in all fields; Chancellor's and Cota Robles Fellowships (awarded to exceptional applicants who enhance the diversity in the graduate student population at Berkeley); and Regent’s Fellowships (awarded to exceptional applicants to doctoral programs in the humanities and social sciences who are planning a career in university teaching and research).
For more information, please visit: https://grad.berkeley.edu
/ Стипендии Университета Калифорнии в г. Беркли для иностранных студентов, обучающихся по магистерским и докторским программам /
Founded in 1870, our iconic campus is nestled amongst the rolling hills of Central New York—itself a crucible of historic change and progress. Building on that foundation, SU continues to create opportunities for students and faculty to push limits, build pathways, and make connections that lead to new discoveries and transformational change.
Each year we offer over 1,400 graduate assistantships to full-time matriculated graduate students to serve as teaching, research or administrative assistants. Graduate students holding a full assistantship work for an average of twenty hours a week during the academic year. The department making the appointment determines the salary the assistant receives, and many graduate assistants also receive tuition scholarships.
SU Graduate Fellowships consist of a stipend and a full-tuition scholarship (up to 30 credits for the academic year). Where appropriate, they are awarded for more than one academic year. Fellows are appointed annually, primarily from among incoming graduate students, although some returning students entering the final year of a terminal degree program at Syracuse (e.g. M.F.A. or Ph.D.) receive these awards.
For more information, please visit: www.syracuse.edu
/ Стипендии Сиракузского университета (г. Сиракьюс, штат Нью-Йорк) для обучения по программам последипломного образования /
Founded in 1889, The University of New Mexico now occupies 600 acres along old Route 66 in the heart of Albuquerque. The University is the state’s flagship research institution. UNM research injects millions of dollars into New Mexico’s economy, funds new advancements in healthcare, and augments teaching – giving students valuable hands-on training in state-of-the art laboratories. The university offers more than 210 degree and certificate programs, UNM has 94 bachelor’s degrees, 74 master’s degrees and 40 doctoral programs.
The Amigo Scholarship program, formally designated as the Competitive Scholarship Program by the New Mexico Department of Higher Education, allows qualified international graduate students to pay in-state tuition rates (including differential tuition) and receive a $200.00 stipend per academic year if they meet the eligibility criteria. The Amigo Scholarship is a tuition-specific award and does not convert to a cash award if the recipient’s tuition is covered by other means, such as an assistantship or scholarship
/ Стипендии отделения высшего образования Университета Нью-Мексико (г. Альбукерке, штат Нью-Мексико) для иностранных студентов, обучающихся по программам последипломного образования /
Frostburg State University is a student-centered teaching and learning institution featuring experiential opportunities. The University offers students a distinctive and distinguished baccalaureate education along with a select set of applied master’s and doctoral programs. Frostburg serves regional and statewide economic and workforce development; promotes cultural enrichment, civic responsibility, and sustainability; and prepares future leaders to meet the challenges of a complex and changing global society.
Six International Graduate Fellowships are available each academic year for students possessing an F-1 or J-1 visa, a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0, and who have been admitted to one of Frostburg State University's graduate programs. Applicants must apply and are chosen by a review committee based on academic qualification, experience, and professional goals. Awards are given for the academic year only. Awards may be renewed if the recipient maintains full-time enrollment, a cumulative GPA of 3.0, and remains in good academic standing. These awards cover the cost of tuition for up to 30 credit hours per academic year and recipients also receive $6,500 in an annual stipend.
/ Стипендии Фростбургского университета (г. Фростбург, штат Мэриленд) для иностранных студентов, успешно обучающихся по программам последипломного образования /
Located in Tiffin, Ohio, Tiffin University represents a new kind of institution, the professional university, where the career objectives of traditional college-age students and adult students are optimized through professionally-focused undergraduate and graduate programs that have a broad general education foundation. This fundamental institutional strategy appropriately positions Tiffin for the 21st century.
Tiffin University offers merit based scholarships to undergraduate and graduate international students. Scholarships are calculated after the admissions review process and can be up to 40% off of tuition.
/ Стипендии Университета Тиффина (г. Тиффин, штат Огайо), покрывающие до 40 % платы за обучение иностранных студентов /
Stephen F. Austin State University is a comprehensive, regional institution located in Nacogdoches, Texas. The university enrolls approximately 13,000 students and offers 83 undergraduate majors and 120 areas of study within six academic colleges – business, education, fine arts, forestry and agriculture, sciences and mathematics, and liberal and applied arts. SFA offers degree programs both online and on its beautifully wooded campus nestled in the heart of Texas Forest Country.
Stephen F. Austin State University offers scholarships for international students with 3.0+ GPA. These scholarships are awarded to students who will contribute to the increased diversity for international representation at Stephen F. Austin State University (Texas). The amount of the scholarship is $1,000 per year. Students who receive the $1,000 OIP Scholarship are also eligible for Texas resident tuition rates – a savings of thousands of dollars each semester!
/ Стипендии Государственного университета Стивена Ф. Остина (г. Накогдочес, штат Техас) для иностранных студентов всех уровней обучения /
SIT Graduate Institute prepares students to be interculturally effective leaders, professionals, and citizens. In so doing, SIT fosters a worldwide network of individuals and organizations committed to responsible global citizenship. SIT offers Master of Arts degree programs in Conflict Transformation, International Education, Sustainable Development, and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) on its campuses in Brattleboro, Vermont and Washington, DC.
The Intercultural Leadership Award was established to recognize students who embody the SIT mission. The $10,000 award is based on a variety of criteria, including financial need, academic merit, professional contribution to the field, community action, organizational affiliation, and educational leadership. Several awards are offered each year, and all graduate students are eligible.
For more information, please visit: https://graduate.sit.edu/
/ Стипендии от магистратуры Школы международного обучения в размере $10000 /
Rice is a first-tier research university in the midst of a vibrant city. It is also an intimate and highly selective college located on a beautiful wooded campus. Compact in size, it has national and international reach and seeks to attract the most talented people by promoting, celebrating, and reaping the benefits of diversity.
The President's Graduate Fellowship Program was established in 2000 to enhance the opportunity to attract the best students to Rice's over thirty graduate programs. These fellowships are for entering graduate students intending to pursue a doctoral degree in the Schools of Engineering, Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Humanities, and graduate degrees in the Schools of Architecture and Music.
/ Стипендии президента Университета Райса (г. Хьюстон, штат Техас) для иностранных студентов, обучающимся по докторским программам в области инженерных, естественных и гуманитарных наук, а также по магистерским программам в школах архитектуры и музыки /
Grand Valley State University is a public university in West Michigan providing a fully accredited undergraduate and graduate liberal education to over 24,000 students. Grand Valley offers more than 200 areas of study, providing a wide selection of undergraduate majors and graduate programs.
The university educates students to shape their lives, their professions, and their societies. Those graduates who complete the adventure leave campus with experiences that prepare them well for success - In life, on the job, and in the community. We hope you want the same for yourself.
Grand Valley has International Merit Scholarships available for students applying for Fall 2012 admission. All students that apply for admission will be considered for this award. This scholarship is worth $5,000 and is available to undergraduate and graduate students. The scholarship deadline is May 1.
/ Стипендии университета Грэнд-Вэлли (г. Аллендейл, Грэнд Рэпидз, штат Мичиган) для иностранных студентов бакалавриата и магистратуры на осенний семестр 2012 года в размере $5000 /
Willamette is a nationally renowned, highly selective private liberal arts university in Salem, Oregon. Founded in 1842, Willamette is the first university established in the western U.S. and has become a national leader in sustainability and civic engagement.
The Atkinson Graduate School of Management is committed to providing world class management education to U.S. and international students in all stages of their careers. Willamette's Early Career and Career Change MBA is specifically designed for students with no previous work experience or for those seeking a change in their career. Offering merit-based scholarship consideration from 10% to 100% of tuition to all qualified applicants who apply for Fall 2012 by May 1, 2012. International applicants are encouraged to apply online and contact us for more information.
/ Стипендии Университета Уилламетт (г. Салем, штат Орегон) на осенний семестр 2012 года для обучения по программе MBA, покрывающие от 10% до 100% платы за обучение /