Центр международного образования

Картинка отсутствует

Литература по системе европейского образования и обучению в Европе

European Educational Yearbook 1993. The annual guide to study abroad.-1993 I. Германия 1.Living and Studying in Germany. Hints and Information for Foreign Students.-1996. 2.Living and Studying in Germany. Hints and Information for Foreign Students.-1998. 3.Studying in Germany. Information for Foreign Students on the Fachhochschulen.-1995 4.Учеба в Германии. Информация об учебе в немецких университетах для иностранцев.-1996 5.Учеба в Германии. Информация об учебе в немецких специальных учебных заведениях для иностранцев.-1996 6.Studium in Deutschland - Kunst+Musikhochschulen.-1993 7.Studying in Germany. Colleges of Art+Music. Information for Foreign Students on the Colleges of Art and Music.-1993 8.Sommerkurse in Deutschland.-1996 9.Sommer-Sprachkurse an Hochschulen in Europa.-1997 10.Study Guide. Information for Foreign Students.-1996 II. Франция 1.Начальное и среднее образование во Франции.-1994 2.Высшее образование во Франции.-1993 3.Франция: Инструменты и механизмы французско-российского научного сотрудничества.-1997
Картинка отсутствует

Каталоги программ американских университетов

1. Advisory List of International Educational Travel and Exchange Programs, 1996-1997.-1996 2. Applying to College and Universities in the United States: A Handbook for International Students.-1995 3.If You Want to Study in the United States. Book 1. Undegraduate Study 4. Jacobs Ian International Student's Guide to the USA/Ian Lacobs, Ellen Shatswell.-New York,1996 5. Mayher, Bill The College Admissions Mystique/Bill Mayher.-2000 6. NAFSA's International Student Handbook: A Guide to University Study in the USA.-1996 7. NAFSA's International Student Handbook: The Essential Guide to University Study in the USA.-1998 8. Shiraev, Eric B. The Accent of Success. A Practical Guide for International Students/Eric B. Shiraev, Gerald L. Boyd.-2001
Картинка отсутствует

Литература по стипендиям и грантам

1.Peterson's Grants for Graduate and Postdoctoral Study.-1998 2.Scholarships, Grants and Prizes.-2001 3.Scholarships and Grants for Study or Research in USA: A Scholarship Handbook for Foreign Nationals.-1996 4.Scholarships for Study in the USA and Canada.-1998

Для подготовки к стандартизированным тестам

Учебные пособия  Для подготовки к тестам TOEFL Для подготовки к тестам GRE Для подготовки к тестам SAT Для подготовки к тестам GMAT Компьютерные программы-тренажеры TOEFL 1. TOEFL Sampler. An Introduction to Taking the TOEFL Test on Computer 2. TOEFL Test. POWERPREP GRE 1. GRE. General Test. POWERPREP 2. GRE Test Preparation SAT 1. Prepare for the SAT With the Test Makers Free Diagnostic Mini-SAT. Version 2.2 2. Real SAT Preparation 3. SAT Test Preparation GMAT 1. GMAT Digital Prekit 2. GMAT Test Preparation 3. Test Preparation for the GMAT.
Картинка отсутствует

Пособия и образцы написания резюме и эссе для абитуриентов

1. Asher, Donald Graduate Admissions Essays: Write Your Way Into the Graduate School of Your Choice/Donald Asher.-2000 2. McCloskey, Susan Writing a Winning College Application Essay/Susana McCloskey, Wilma Davidson.-1996 3. Stewart, Mark Alan Perfect Personal Statements:(Successeful Aplication Essays From Students at American's Top Graduate and Professional Schools)/Mark Alan Stewart.-1996 4. Stewart, Mark Alan The Best College Admission Essays/ Mark Alan Stewart, Cyntia C. Muchnick.-1997 5. Stelzer, Richard J. How to Write a Winning Personal Statement For Graduate and Professional School/Richard J. Stelzer.-1997 6. Teitelbaum, Harry Haw to Write a Thesis/Harry Titelbaum.-1998